Tag Archives: crossfit

Park workout

5 Aug

I love hard core workouts where my legs and arms are trembling after.  My hubby and I workout in the park a few days a week and he literally kicks my BUTT!   We don’t have many options when it comes time to babysitters so instead of taking turns going to the gym, we can head over to the park and workout as a family.

Todays workout was a mix of plyo exercises, kettlebells, body weight drills and cardio.


Warm up:

10 minutes light jog.  Incorporating locomotive type exercises

5 sets of:

40 kettlebell threaded walking lunges

10 balance board tricep pushups with opposite knee to elbow core rotation

20 bicep curls  using the TRX


5 sets of:

20 box jumps

20 tricep dips

20 back rows using TRX


5 sets of

20 kettlebell swings

60 battle rope repetitions

10 close grip pull ups

fun fun fun!

I’ll be feeling this workout tomorrow.




my little monkey

And I think I deserve this glass of wine…after all, it is the long weekend


Cheers 🙂

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